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Expect an answer in 3 work days.
Please describe the matter in detail and sign with fullname and (if appliable) company name.
You may also add up to 15 MB of attachments in each email.
Please describe the matter in detail and specify your fullname and (if appliable) the company you represent.
You may also add up to 10 MB of attachments in each email.
Don't forget to sign each attachment (use detatched signatures).
External website
The "OK" button will browse GitHub, a website aimed exclusively at software developers.
GitHub is an external service which distributes unverified code from different vendors.
The source code published on GitHub by 3rd-party developers may not respect your local regulations and safety standards.
You don't need to perform this action to use the Free Software Database!
If unsure, click on the button.
The "Download" button will download the web codebase to your computer.
This file contains source code for debugging by web developers.
It does not contain ready-to-use setups and/or resources indexed by the search engine.
You don't need to perform this action to use the Free Software Database!
If unsure, click on the button.